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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring-God's Gift to Au Pairs

In September, Huzzah! Here you are in France! The sun shines! The kids are sage! The parents are understanding! There's no French class! All day everyday in the park!

Then October comes, the days get shorter, the weather gets colder. The sun, up until this point a daily attendee, starts getting lazy, showing up late, or not at all. As October seeps into November, he's gone. You don't know what you did to upset him, but you're on your own.

November becomes December, and while the holidays come around, the kids are suffering from cabin fever, and the parents are working more. The day ends at 4 PM. The sun has not returned. Your mood descends. Maybe you go home for Christmas, maybe you don't, all you know is the New Year will be difficult.

January brings more cold, more snow, but, upliftingly, a little more daylight. Then February arrives and something strange happens. You wake up one morning to something in your face. Confused, you roll around in your bed until you realize....


February passes quick, and March begins. Flowers pop up, to remind you, although you thought the weather was beyond hope, Spring will come! Reopen the season. The kids smile again, and you look forward to long walks in the parks, picnics in Paris, night runs, bottles of wine passed amongst friends, sun tans, and the holy French vacations.

This, the Au Pair realizes, is why we are here!

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