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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Funny and/or interesting things that have happened this/last week:

1) L has the varicelle, aka chicken pox. On Wednesday, I was asked to give her a "shower" instead of a bath. So our bathtub has a detachable shower head, I undressed her and turned on the shower head. I turned around to get something off the counter. In those couple minutes, the shower head flipped itself over (or Lflipped it) and I turn around to water spraying directly in my face. It also sprayed L, who is afraid of the shower head. So afraid, in fact, she peed herself, without a diaper. T thought this was absoultely hilarious and started chanting "Haha! You're wet! Haha! You're wet!" I made him go to his room.

2) I spent most of yesterday with Antoine. He made me Syrian spinach (His Dad is Syrian), which was spinach a la branche with garlic, steak hachee, and lemon juice. It was really good. Spinach is one of my favorite foods, and I almost never eat it here.

3) I went to the doctor on Thursday. The whole process took only an hour, and cost me only 50 euros, some of which I will get back because I think I have social security. Score.

4) The clocks changed last night.

5) I finally have a full weekend off, for Easter. Its also F's first communion, and I hope to make Challah bread. If they get sketched out by the fact that its Jewish, I'll call it braided brioche...


  1. Braided brioche...oh robin, you never let me down :)

  2. challah bread was the first thing I made when I got my new kitchenaid...and it's was deeeelicious!
